Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The document format shall be:
Paper size: US letter (8.5"x11")
Margins: top margin: 0.6 ", bottom margin: 0.5 ", mirror images, inner margin: 0.75", outer margin: 0.75", Gutter: 0.5 ", header and footer 0.3" from edge.
Each page shall have a header with the following attributes: Font and size Times (New) Roman, Bold, 14 point for portrait oriented documentsFont and size Times (New) Roman, Bold, 18 point for landscape oriented documents (e.g. PowerPoint)Line below, with 2 points separation from textLeft, aligned with margin: the month and year of the publication (the venue date)Right aligned to the margin: the document designator, which includes the document number:
doc.: IEEE 802.11-yy/ssssrx
yy are the last two digits of the year
ssss is the assigned sequence number of the document
x is the revision number
Each page shall have a footer with the following attributes: Font and size Times (New) Roman, Normal, 12 point Line above Left, aligned with margin: the word "Submission" Center: the word "page" followed by the page numberRight aligned to the margin: the first author and company.
Every document submission must have an author and company as a point of reference for the submission

IEEE Editorial Style Manual
This style manual provides editorial guidelines for IEEE Transactions, Journals, and Letters. For spelling reference, IEEE Publications uses Webster’s College Dictionary, 4th Edition. For guidance on grammar and usage not included in this manual, please consult The Chicago Manual of Style, published by the University of Chicago Press.
IEEE Transactions Editing Philosophy

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